Lower Tumut Substation

As part of the Snowy Hydro Scheme, Lower Tumut Substation was commissioned in 1972 and forms part of the Transgrid network, that serves Southern New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Working alongside our client, we successfully supplied Copper Tape Screened cables to support a secondary system enhancement project at Lower Tumut Substation. Delivered […]

Sydenham to Bankstown Rail Line

The Sydenham to Bankstown railway line solves a critical issue in Sydney’s public transport system, as it allows for an additional 100,000 passengers to utilise this train service. The project involves significant signalling and infrastructure upgrades, and upon completion, will increase the daily capacity across the Sydney network by almost 80 passengers per hour. Amplex […]

Port Waratah Rail Signaling Upgrade

The Port Waratah terminal, operational since the 1970s, is one of the busiest terminals in the ARTC network; servicing around 600-800 trains per month. In 2022, Amplex supplied rail signalling cables to JMDR, supporting the major rail signalling upgrade to this terminal, improving freight transportation in the Hunter Valley region of NSW. 

Waratah Super Battery

The Waratah Super Battery project is the largest of its kind in the southern hemisphere. Situated just 100km north of Sydney, this project represents a significant milestone in Australia’s shift towards renewable energy, strategically positioned only 25km south of the retiring Eraring coal-fired power station. In collaboration with our client, we successfully supplied LV cables […]

Robertson Railway Line

The Robertson Rail Line, operational since 1932, was extensively damaged by floodwaters in 2022. This freight line suddenly became unusable, disrupting this significant railway line servicing the major export terminals at Port Kembla. Amplex supplied rail signalling cables from stock within 10 weeks, supporting ARTC with the emergency track repairs.

Dombarton Railway Line

Rehabilitation of the Moss Vale to Port Kembla railway line was extensively damaged by floodwaters in 2022. This freight line suddenly became unusable, disrupting this significant railway line servicing the major export terminals at Port Kembla. Amplex supplied rail signalling cables from stock and manufacture within 10 weeks, for the Dombarton site.

Glenrowan Solar Farm

Covering almost 800 acres, the Glenrowan Solar Farm is situated 11 kilometres south-west of the Victorian town Glenrowan. It generates enough electricity to power up to 41,000 houses, contributing to a reduction of approximately 315,000 tonnes of C02 emissions per year. Amplex is proud to have been involved in this significant project, supplying tracking system […]

Dumaresq Substation

Located south of the QLD boarder, the Dumaresq Power Station plays a crucial role in ensuring grid stability and reliable, lower-cost energy to allow for increased sharing of electricity between NSW and QLD. This project involves 3 substations,  Tamworth, Scone, and Armidale, and extensive power transmission upgrades, providing net benefits of approximately $170 million to […]

Badgingarra Solar Farm

The Badgingarra Solar Farm consists of almost 62,000 panels, covers 40 hectares of land and has a 19 MW contribution to the Western Power grid. At maximum output, this solar farm has the potential to reduce annual greenhouse emissions by 32,900 tonnes, whilst generating equivalent power for 6,000 homes in the Hill River region of […]

Buronga Substation

Covering 16 hectares, the Buronga Substation, located near Mildura, NSW, is one of the largest and most sophisticated substations in the Southern Hemisphere. With a project value of $1.8 billion, this project integrates renewables into the grid and allows stored energy to be shared between NSW, Victoria and SA for the first time. Amplex is […]